
Welcome to the Learn Flow Cytometry website.

The LearnFlowCytometry website ( is an educational resource that aims to provide a practical and comprehensive approach to flow cytometry analysis, addressing issues such as how to recognize patterns and classify normal or aberrant cell populations, how to assess maturation patterns and how to avoid certain pitfalls when analyzing a case. While designed with a focus on the needs of Canadian anatomical pathology and hematopathology residents, it may be of value to anyone with an interest in flow cytometry. LearnFlowCytometry currently consists of didactic content covering the main lymphoid and myeloid entities that can be diagnosed using flow cytometry; future plans include unusual cases and continuous medical education content.

Learn Flow Cytometry was developed by Dr. Rosemarie Tremblay-LeMay and Dr Larissa Liontos, with contributions from Dr Jiong Yan and Dr Anne Tierens (Laboratory Medicine Program of the University Health Network, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Center and the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology at the University of Toronto). Web design and software development was carried out by the Perioperative Interactive Education (PIE) team in the Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Management at the University Health Network, managed by Dr. Gordon Tait.

We welcome anyone who would be interested to contribute to this website by adding content or cases of interest.

This project received funding support from the Hematopathology Research Fund at the University Health Network and the Sunnybrook Department of Laboratory of Medicine and Molecular Diagnostics' Strategic Innovation Fund. The views herein do not necessarily reflect the views of all hematopathologists in the divisions.

Recent updates

May 25, 2023

Learn Flow Cytometry project completed.