How to prepare
Hysteroscopy can be performed in a clinic setting without intravenous medications (without sedation), in a clinic setting with intravenous medications (with sedation), or as a day surgery, which means you don’t stay overnight in the hospital.
Please click on the appropriate link below to learn more about your procedure.

No specific preparations
For hysteroscopies performed in the office without intravenous medications (sedation), typically no specific preparations are necessary.
Usually you can go home shortly after the procedure without any special precautions.

Arrange transportation
For hysteroscopies performed in the office with intravenous medications (sedation), you will need to be monitored in the office for a short time until the medication wears off.
It may be helpful to arrange for someone to accompany you home after the procedure.

Checklist for your stay
As you get close to your surgery date, you can start gathering everything you need to bring on the day of surgery.
Please click here to download a checklist of what to bring to the hospital.
Here are some recommendations to help make your hysteroscopy and the recovery as smooth as possible:
Be active
Exercise will help your body recover more quickly following any procedure. If you don’t exercise, try adding 15-minutes of activity per day to your routine.
Stop smoking
If you smoke, try to stop before your surgery to reduce your risk for lung problems.
Arrange transportation
You will be going home on the same day as your procedure. For most hysteroscopies, you will need to have someone accompany you home following the procedure. It is helpful to arrange your ride home in advance. If your procedure is carried out under general anesthesia, you will need another adult to stay with you that night.