Case Description
  • The patient was a 57 year old man with a hepatocellular carcinoma, found in the segment 6/7 liver.
  • He has been previously diagnosed with a chronic HBV infection, has liver cirrhosis with a Child score A, and no portal hypertension
  • A laparoscopic segment 6/7 sectionectomy was planned, using an ultrasound dissector as well as the Pringle maneuver to occlude portal and hepatic artery inflow.
  • The Pringle maneuver is used throughout the transection phase, with a maximum duration of 20 minutes, followed by a 5-minute interval of reperfusion.
  • The transection plane deviates slightly lateral in segment 7. This is done to maximize functional liver remnant, due to the degree of cirrhosis.
CT Scans

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