What we do: PIE team projects
Point of Care Ultrasound

The modules in this website helps the user relate ultrasound images to the three-dimensional anatomy of the structures in view, in particular cardiac and lung ultrasounds. More...
VIRTUAL Aortic Valve

This site provides interactive teaching modules using animated 3D models to assist in learning the anatomy and function of the aortic valve and surrounding structures. More...

We have developed two interactive modules for teaching transthoracic ultrasound and learning the sonoanatomy of the heart. More...
Toronto Surgical Video Atlas

The Toronto Surgical Video Atlas website has been designed to instruct surgeons in the care of patients with complex problems in liver, pancreas and transplant surgeries. More...
Control of Blood Pressure

The Control of Blood Pressure module is an interactive educational resource that covers the principles involved in the control of cardiac output and the maintainenance of blood pressure. More...
VIRTUAL Cardiac Valves

We are in the process of developing 3D animated models of cardiac valves which can be viewed online as visual aids for teaching normal and abnormal cardiac function. More...
Virtual Interactive Cases

We have developed a system for creating simulated clinical cases. These “Virtual patients” expose users to a wider variety and a greater number of cases than in clinical rotations. More...
BMC Research Projects

Working with Biomedical Communications at the University of Toronto, we are helping students develop web-based interactive medical teaching tools. More...

We have developed a web-based tool that allows residents and fellows to practice perioperative decision-making on virtual patients recovering from cardiac surgery. More...

Virtual Spine is an online resource meant to provide tools to facilitate the teaching and learning of Spine Anatomy and Regional Anesthesia of the Spine. More...

We have developed a number of web-based tools to help trainees learn the standard views used in transesophageal echocardiography and practice structure identification. More...

This learning resource provides an in-depth, interactive, 3D look at the liver to help users gain greater understanding of the complex spatial relationships of the liver’s internal anatomy. More...
Fluid Management

We have developed a module to assist in understanding the principles of fluid management in treating hypovolemia. More...

VIRTUAL Weaning will simulate the operating room environment where students can practice weaning cardiac surgery patients from the cardiopulmonary bypass pump. More...
Cardiac Embryology

Embyronic development of the heart is difficult to conceptualize. We have developed a web-based learning tool that helps users to understand the process. More...
ALND Surgery

This 9 ½ minute animation provides an overview of the anatomical and surgical aspects of the axillary lymph node dissection (ALND) procedure. More...

Technology is critical in the creation of our web-based interactive educational modules. It informs the science that underlies our work and enables us to deliver our educational messages far and wide. More...