Cardiac Anesthesiology Website
The Cardiac Anesthesiology Fellows' Manual

The Cardiac Anesthesia Fellows Manual authored by Dr. Annette Vegas and colleagues in the Department of Anesthesia covers the practice of cardiac anesthesia and postoperative care in the cardiovascular ICU. It provides guidelines and protocols for the delivery of care as practiced at Toronto General Hospital. It is a essential resource for the Fellows in Cardiac Anesthesia and Cardiovascular Surgery.
The Website
This Web site will provide interactive animated modules illustrating the key concepts covered in the Cardiac Anesthesia Fellows Manual. These modules will contain a minimum of text, as they will emphasize interactive animated graphics to convey the principles covered in the manual. They will provide teaching aids for lectures and small group sessions, but will sufficiently be self-contained to make them suitable for self-study. Publishing these modules freely on the Internet will provide teaching resources for educators and students in the field of cardiac anesthesia around the world.
Open Cardiac Anesthesiology website
Currently available modules
The Blood Pressure module covers the basic principles involved in the control of cardiac output and maintaining blood pressure. This module is currently available in two languages: English and Chinese (中文).
Hypovolemia in the perioperative period is often due blood loss, and is treated by intravenous replacement with a variety of fluids. The electrolyte and oncotic composition of these fluids determines the contribution these replacement fluids make to the different fluid compartments of the body. The Fluid Management module will allow the user to simulate the effects of blood loss and the effects of fluid replacement with a variety of fluids and the movement of fluid between the compartments over time.
Open the fluid management module of the cardiac anesthesiology website.