

Alternative Views HTML5

This module has been converted from Adobe Flash to HTML5, and is now accessible on tablets and smartphones as well as on desktop computers.

Click here to open the Alternative Views application.

iPad app:

TEE Alterntive Views iPad App


The primary challenge in learning TEE is translating the two dimensional echocardiographic image into a visualization of the three-dimensional (3D) structure of the heart. The TEE Alternative Views module provides a learning environment where users can explore 19 non-standard but often used 2D TEE views using two visualization methods simultaneously: (1) a rotatable 3D heart model that includes an echocardiographic plane and (2) the associated TEE clip. The 3-D heart model and echo plane can be rotated, helping students to relate the echocardiographic image to the structures of the heart. Students are also able to remove the part of the heart above the echo plane, revealing the internal structures of the heart that correspond to the TEE image. This resource can be used both by educators for teaching small group sessions and by students for self-study.

If you would like to review the 20 standard 2D TEE views before looking at these non-standard views, please visit our 2D TEE Standard Views module.


  • Dr. Annette Vegas
    Staff anesthesiologist
    Toronto General Hospital
    Department of Anesthesia and Pain Management
  • Dr. Rita Katznelson
    Staff anesthesiologist
    Toronto General Hospital
    Department of Anesthesia and Pain Management
  • Michael Corrin
    Programming & Design
    Toronto General Hospital
    Department of Anesthesia and Pain Management
  • Albert Fung
    Conversion of Adobe Flash module to HTML5
    Toronto General Hospital
    Department of Anesthesia and Pain Management