Acquisition of 3D Datasets: Module

This module is intended to assist trainees in learning to acquire and manipulate 3D TEE images. This module covers the steps in acquiring 3D TEE images using...
Manipulation of 3D Datasets: Videos

Videos have been created to teach how to manipulated previously acquired 3D TEE datasets using the Philips Epiq 7 ultrasound system...
- The Peter Munk Cardiac Centre Innovation Fund is gratefully acknowledged for its support for this development.
- Dr. Massimiliano Meineri
Staff Anesthesiologist
Toronto General Hospital
Department of Anesthesia and Pain Management
- Dr. Wendy Tsang
Staff Cardiologist
Toronto General Hospital
Department of Cardiology
- Jodi Crossingham
Programming & Design
Toronto General Hospital
Department of Anesthesia and Pain Management