GE Vivid E9: 3D Display and Optimization
About this Video
This video describes some of the basic functionality of the GE Vivid E9 system, including: basic display functionality (ie. rotation) and how to optimize a previously acquired dataset (gain, active mode, UD clarity, depth color map, stereo vision, smoothing, gamma and tissue transparency). Click on the video above to begin watching or go straight to any of the two main subjects discussed by choosing a chapter below. (total running time - 11:04)
Video chapters
- The Peter Munk Cardiac Centre Innovation Fund is gratefully acknowledged for its support for this development.
- Dr. Massimiliano Meineri
Staff Anesthesiologist
Toronto General Hospital
Department of Anesthesia and Pain Management
- Dr. Wendy Tsang
Staff Cardiologist
Toronto General Hospital
Department of Cardiology
- Jodi Crossingham
Programming & Design
Toronto General Hospital
Department of Anesthesia and Pain Management