Liverjoy2021-03-23T16:34:22-04:00 LIVERProcedures involving the liver, such as hepatectomies, segmentectomies, and liver transplants. All Laparoscopic: Liver Left Hepatectomy Liver Transplant Right Hepatectomy Segmentectomies Technique: Liver Robotic Segment 6 Liver Resection Laparoscopic Living Donor Right Hepatectomy Segment 8 Laparoscopic Transection with the use of intercostal trans-diaphragmatic ports Laparoscopic pediatric right posterior sector resection Laparoscopic right anterior sector resection Right Hepatectomy with Cava Resection and Oophorectomy Laparoscopic right hepatectomy with Pringle maneuver Rescue Associating Liver Partition and Portal Vein Ligation for Staged hepatectomy (ALPPS) Laparoscopic segment V tumorectomy Whipple with extended right hepatectomy and right nephrectomy (Part II) Whipple with extended right hepatectomy and right nephrectomy (Part I) Segment II and IVa resection Segment VII/partial segment VIII liver resection Laparoscopic right posterior sectionectomy Laparoscopic left lateral sectionectomy Extended right hepatectomy with multiple wedge resections Liver transection technique: Water-jet dissection Extended right hepatectomy with veno veno bypass (Part II) Extended right hepatectomy with veno veno bypass (Part I) Piggy-back liver transplantation with SMV jump graft Segment V/VIII mesohepatectomy with extrahepatic pedicle isolation technique Extended left hepatectomy with caval resection Wedge resection technique Extended left hepatectomy for advanced Klatskin tumour Segment IVa/VIII liver resection Left portal vein anastomosis Segment I/IV mesoheptectomy Pediatric liver transplant: Living donor left lateral lobe (recipient procedure) Standard right hepatectomy with portal vein embolization Laparoscopic right hepatectomy Liver transplant: Living donor right hepatectomy (donor procedure) Standard left hepatectomy Extended left hepatectomy with ex vivo reconstruction of the RPPV Liver transplant: Living donor right posterior sectionectomy (donor procedure) Liver transplant: Living donor left lateral lobe (donor procedure) Segment VIII resection Extended left hepatectomy with in situ cold perfusion Right hepatectomy with nephrectomy/adrenalectomy Segment VI/VII segmentectomy Segment IV resection (redo hepatectomy) Liver transplant: Living donor right lobe (recipient procedure) Extended right hepatectomy with in situ cold perfusion Liver transplant: Living donor left hepatectomy (donor procedure) Loading